Know Your Enemy

As you progress on your quest, you will encounter more and more difficult enemies.  Remember the training of Windermere and your elders.  Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each opponent you face and use them to your advantage.


These large birds are found all over the islands. Depending on the location and other factors, they range in temperament from aggressive raptors that hunt in groups to nearly domesticated. Akiri have many uses and they're a big part of Akazi life. You're sure to encounter these birds while on Volcano Island. The Akazi have great respect for these giant birds.

Stone Guardian

These are rare magical creatures, made from inert stone that's been animated by powerful Arcanity.  Stone Guardians are created with a single purpose to which they hold without fail- to guard something precious or important.  To behold one is a treasured experience.  To defy one is certain doom.

Giant Spider

Spiders on the islands can be a real problem.  The larger ones have been known to develop a taste for full-grown adult Akiri birds and even full-grown wild boars.  The good news is that they tend to shy away from highly populated areas, so as long as you avoid the deeper forgotten corners of the jungle you probably won’t run across any of these. 

Corrupted Plant

Some unseen evil force is encroaching on Tanzia and corrupting certain plant and animal life all over the islands.  Volcano Island seems to be ground zero.  Corrupt Plants like this one are developing strange abilities, bad temperaments, and an aggressive appetite for things with legs. 

Corrupted Tree

The massive jungle canopy trees once peaceful and majestic are now rotting and lashing out (literally) at unsuspecting passersby.  The evil force corrupting life across the islands must be stopped before Tanzia becomes uninhabitable. 

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